Below are the Philadelphia Chapter of the Vertical Flight Society’s by-laws.
Philadelphia Chapter
The American Helicopter Society, Incorporated
Article I: Purpose and Scope
(1) Purpose
The AHS Philadelphia Chapter seeks to promote the interests of the helicopter and VTOL aircraft industry through its role as a chapter of a professional and technical society.
(2) Scope
The AHS Philadelphia Chapter will conduct meetings of professional interest, sponsor trips related to the helicopter/VTOL industry, conduct the regional Lichten Award contest, support the Vertical Flight Foundation and participate in activities of the AHS Annual Forum. The Chapter may also engage in other activities deemed appropriate by the members and Executive Board which further the purposes of the AHS in accordance with the National By-Laws of the American Helicopter Society, Inc.
Article II: Membership
Membership shall be determined in accordance with the National By-Laws.
Article III: Government
(1) The geographic area of the Philadelphia Chapter is presently composed of the following states: Pennsylvania, Delaware, and portions of Maryland and New Jersey. The Mideast Regional Vice-President may redefine the geographic area as new chapters may be established within the Mideast region.
(2) The Philadelphia Chapter will be governed by an Executive Board consisting of the following officers, who have voting power at all meetings:
(a) President – Supervises the affairs of the chapter, appoints standing and special committees as required, chairs meetings of the Executive Board, submits reports as required.
(b) Vice President/Dinner Meetings – Selects dinner meeting dates, makes arrangements with speakers, contracts sponsors, makes all arrangements, informs publicity chairman of meeting details, sends follow-up letters of thanks to speakers.
(c) Vice President/Technical – selects dates for technical programs, arranges for speakers, meetings locations, and audio-visual requirements, informs publicity chairman of meeting details, makes arrangements for refreshments as appropriate, sends letters of thanks to speakers.
(d) Secretary – Records and issues minutes of all meetings of the Executive Board, retains a permanent record of meeting minutes for the current year and all previous years, submits reports of Chapter activities to the Regional Vice-President and the National Board as required.
(e) Treasurer – Keeps records of Chapter financial activities, submits reports to the Executive Board, the Regional Vice President, and the National Board as required, handles Chapter’s financial obligations for trips, speaker expenses, etc. At dinner meetings, collects dinner fees, pays restaurant, keeps record of attendance.
(f) Directors (5) – Provide advice, counsel, and support for Chapter activities. Carry out special assignments as requested by the Chapter President.
(g) Past President – Provides continuity of leadership through advice, counsel, and support for Chapter activities.
(3) In addition, the following Committee Chairmen (non-voting positions) serve on the Executive Board:
(a) Publicity Chair – Prepares notices of Chapter activities, sends these to the printer, arranges for special mailings as required, posts notices at appropriate locations, keeps a permanent record of publicity notices, contacts press and photographers when appropriate. Provides the National Headquarters with information on Chapter activities for use in National publications.
(b) Membership Chair – Promotes activities to enroll new members in the Philadelphia Chapter, encourages current members to maintain their active status and to participate in Chapter activities, checks lists of those registering for Chapter trips and meetings for current membership status when necessary. Coordinates with National Membership Chair.
(c) Lichten Award Chair – Handles all activities associated with the annual Lichten Award competition.
(4) Election Procedures and Terms of Office
(a) The Chapter President will appoint of Chair and a Nominating Committee by April 1 of each year to nominate officers for the succeeding year. The Chapter President will serve on this committee, and the Chair of the Nominating Committee may appoint additional committee members.
(b) The Nominating Committee will submit for approval to the Executive Board by April 15, a slate of officers, directors, and Committee Chairs for the Chapter. The Nominating Committee will obtain the consent of each person nominated.
(c) Upon approval of the nominees by the Executive Board, a ballot will be mailed to all Chapter members. Space will be provided on the ballot for write-in candidates for each office. The ballots will be mailed no later than May 1, with a deadline for return of no more than 30 days. The deadline will be established by the Executive Board.
(d) The winner of the election for each position will be the candidate receiving the majority of the valid votes cast for that position.
(e) All members of the Chapter will be notified in writing of the results of the election within 30 days of the deadline for return of ballots.
(f) The terms of office shall be one year, beginning on June 1.
(g) Vacancies will be filled by the election of a replacement by the Executive Board.
(h) Only directors may succeed themselves in the same position, and are limited to two terms of one year each.
Article IV: Chapter Committees
(1) Standing Committees
Dinner Meetings
Lichten Award
The Vice Presidents for Dinner Meetings and Technical activities will serve as Chairs of the Committees corresponding to their offices. The Chair of each committee shall determine the number of people on that committee and appoint the personnel.
(2) Special Committees
Special Committees may be formed by the Chapter President or the Executive Board to act on specific projects or problems. The Chapter President will appoint the Chair of each Special Committee and may appoint personnel to each committee. Additional members of the committee may be appointed at the discretion of the Chair. The Nominating Committee is covered under Article III Section 4.
(3) Responsibilities and Duties
(a) Committees shall report to the Executive Board. actions taken by Committees shall be subject to ratification by the executive Board.
(b) Duties of the Standing Committees shall correspond to the duties of their respective Chairs as described in Section III. Duties and terms of Special Committees shall be determined by the Executive Board or Chapter President.
Article V: Meetings
(1) General Meetings
At least four general meetings of the Chapter membership will be held each year, usually in the form of dinner meetings.
(2) Executive Board Meetings
The Executive Board shall meet at least four times a year at the call of the Chapter President.
(3) The Chapter Secretary will forward to the Mideast Regional Vice President a report of each meeting held.
(4) The rules contained in Roberts Rules of Order Revised will govern at all Philadelphia Chapter meetings in all cases where they are applicable and not inconsistent with these By-Laws or with the Constitution and By-Laws of the American Helicopter Society, Inc.
Article VI: Voting and Quorums
(1) A majority of the voting members of the Executive Board constitutes a quorum for meetings of the Board. Acts of a majority of the voting members of the Board present at a meeting at which a quorum is present shall be recognized as acts of the Board.
(2) A quorum for general Chapter meetings will be 20 percent of the voting membership or 40 voting members, whichever is least.
(3) The Executive Board may order the submission of any question to the general membership by letter ballot. Members of the Chapter may also order the submission of any question to the general membership of the Chapter by letter ballot by obtaining a majority vote of those present at any general Chapter meeting at which a quorum is present, or by a petition signed by 20 percent of the Chapter membership or 40 members, whichever is least.
(4) In any matter to be decided by a letter ballot, including elections of officers, a quorum shall consist of the number of valid votes cast.
Article VII: Fiscal Year
The Chapter’s fiscal year shall be from July 1 to June 30.
Article VIII: Fees and Dues
No Fees or Dues shall be assessed by the Chapter. Members are responsible for Fees and Dues as required by the National Board of the American Helicopter Society, Inc.
Article IX: Amendments
(1) Amendments to these By-Laws may be initiated by any voting member by submitting the proposed amendment to the Executive Board. The Board will review the proposed amendment and decide if it should be submitted to the membership for a letter ballot.
(2) The Executive Board itself initiate amendments to these By-Laws.
(3) The membership of the Chapter may propose an amendment for vote by letter vote without approval of the Executive Board by submitting a written petition. This petition shall be signed by 20 percent of the members or 40 members, whichever is least, and will be in the form in which the amendment is to be presented for letter ballot. The amendment will be sent along with a letter ballot to all voting members within 30 days of its receipt by the Executive Board with a deadline for return.
(4) Amendments shall be adopted when they have been approved by the voting membership by letter ballot, and the Board shall immediately cause such amendments to be appropriately implemented.