Chapter Officers

PresidentDaniel Jaep, The Boeing Company
VP Dinner MeetingsJoseph Gillman, The Boeing Company
VP Technical MeetingsLucia Love (DeNicola), Leonardo Helicopters
SecretaryStefano Coratella, Leonardo Helicopters
TreasurerGreg Walsh, The Boeing Company
MembershipAshley Spiel, Leonardo Helicopters
PublicityIsabel Fernandez, The Boeing Company
Lichten Awardvacant
Student AffairsSteven J. Pagano, Widener University
WebmasterDamian Rogers, Leonardo Helicopters
DirectorErik Kocher, The Boeing Company
DirectorSteven Labows, Leonardo Helicopters
DirectorGeorge Stulb, The Boeing Company (Retired)
DirectorSteven Spear, The Boeing Company
DirectorMarc Sheffler, American Helicopter Museum
Past PresidentGreg Walsh


Board Members can be reached by email at:

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